Slimmer - Kiezen
Slimmer-Kiezen is a handy tool that gives visitors the chance to vote like a full-fledged member of parliament. This is achieved by offering the same documents used in the House of Representatives, which can then be voted on. Users can even select their own files through a Filter function, so that they only receive relevant information. In addition, the dashboard provides insight into the voting behavior of different political parties relative to each other and/or specific political issues/files. Using a database, documents can be easily searched and analyzed on their own initiative. The project consists of a solid back-end application (Spring boot) that retrieves all votes from the web and APIs, as well as a user-friendly website (Javascript) that users interact with. So, whether you want to experience what it feels like to be a real member of the House of Representatives or just want to get a little more insight into the political landscape, Slimmer-Kiezen is for you!
Slimmer-Kiezen was in eerste instantie en project dat is ontstaan tijdens de Minor Data Driven Business Lab op het Fontys Hogescholen IT & Business. Het idee is ontstaan door de toenemende onvrede van de burgers over de politiek, de achterblijvende of complexe transparantie en het geven van openheid in zaken. Met Slimmer-Kiezen moesten gebruikers in staat gesteld worden te stemmen zoals de kamerleden dat in de tweede kamer doen, waarna het stemgedrag vergeleken wordt met die van de partijen.
Slimmer-Kiezen was initially and project that originated during the Data Driven Business Lab Minor at the Fontys Colleges IT & Business. The idea came about because of the growing public dissatisfaction with politics, the lagging or complex transparency and disclosure. With Slimmer-Kiezen, users were to be enabled to vote as the members of parliament do in the second chamber, after which their voting behavior is compared to that of the parties.
First, work was done to set up a mechanism for bringing in the data from the second room, stretching it where necessary and storing it in a database. This was initially carried out using Python scripts. Because the Opendata portal was not operational at the time, it was necessary to resort to WebScraping. At that time, all information was extracted from various websites and processed in a MySQL database.
When setting up the scripts, the setup was used as shown below. 2 scripts were created for document retrieval and vote and result retrieval. The scripts ran on a Linux server and were started according to and fixed schedule.
After the back-end was operational, we also created a front-end using HTML, CSS, Javascript and PHP. This led to the creation of, a website that is still under development. We had interviews with various media, including the Eindhovens Dagblad, and articles were published in the Algemeen Dagblad and other news websites. During the March 2021 elections, many visitors used Slimmer-Kiezen.
Slimmer-Kiezen completely revamped
In the fall of 2022, Slimmer-Kiezen took on a new life as a hobby project. First of all, it investigated how data could be brought in more efficiently. This is because the disadvantage of Web scraping is that Web sites change, after which the entire script no longer works. Research showed that the Opendata portal was operational again. Having chosen a new setup with Java Springboot, data is now retrieved from the Opendata portal and verified against website data. The application is hosted in a Docker environment, with a breakdown between acceptance and production.
In addition to the back-end, the front-end has also been redesigned. User feedback showed that the GUI was too complex, so it was completely redesigned. In addition, the OpenAI chat API has been integrated to simplify and summarize the complex texts from the parliamentary documents. The front-end also includes a dashboard and database in which various elements of parties in the second chamber can be analyzed.
With the new base and new elections coming up earlier than usual, Slimmer-Kiezen was once again widely used. Visitor numbers were higher than in the 2021 elections.